Other Surveys
3D Modelling
MobileCAD can produce 3D Models from our survey data either as part of a 2D drawings package or on it own. Using AutoCAD Revit software technology our staff can produce a to your desired specification whether it be for residential or commercial purposes. A 3D Model is a great visual aid that help with design or to work our more complicated construction details. Our models can be produced for the purposes of BIM.
Check Dimension Surveys
On some occasions it may be necessary to check the dimensions of a building structure to check the accuracy of existing drawings or to check existing measurements for manufacturing of materials or fittings. MobileCAD can carry out a check dimension survey to help whether it be for residential or commercial.
Lease Plans
Any new lease lasting seven years or longer must be registered with the Land Registry and have a compliant lease plan. The lease plan is a drawing that identifies a leasehold demise within a property which is represented by a scaled metric drawing depicting exactly what area of land is included in the lease of the property.
MobileCAD can help to produce Lease Plans for any type of building property or land area whether it is single or multiple occupancy. In some cases a site visit may not be required to produce plan and the work could be solely office based.
Fire Plans
A fire emergency evacuation plan (FEEP) is a written document which includes the action to be taken by all staff in the event of fire and the arrangements for calling the fire brigade. It can include any relevant information in relation to the FEEP.
General Fire Notice For small premises this could take the form of a simple fire action sign posted in positions where staff and relevant persons can read it and become familiar with its contents.
Staff Fire Notice High fire risks or large premises will need more detailed emergency evacuation plan which takes account of the findings of the risk assessment, e.g. the staff significantly at risk and their location. In addition notices giving clear and concise instructions of the routine to be followed in case of fire should be prominently displayed.
Underground Utility Trace Survey
An Underground Utility Trace Survey includes an onsite investigation to figure out exactly where the utilities are buried under the earth. Furthermore, these utilities can be years old and need to be reevaluated for safety purposes in order to move on with a project.
There are several reasons why you need to perform different surveys to locate these utilities. This includes figuring out where the utilities are, and in case there is a leakage, it can be identified in a certain utility network in order to fix it promptly. If a new piping network is to be installed then it is absolutely necessary to find out where the previous pipes are. If some of the gas pipes are damaged during the digging and mining process, there can be a serious harm to the workers, residents, and the land. To ensure the safety of the public and the team working on the project these surveys need to be carried out by a professional company.
On-site Setting Out
The process of setting out of a building or structure is an important part of surveying, as it enables the works to proceed on site exactly according to the prepared designs. Accurate setting out is fundamental part of the construction works, and errors can be very expensive and time consuming to correct.
Using architectural drawing as reference MobileCAD can accurately set out building foundations, steelwork, internal partitions and slab penetrations with the use of our Leica Total Stations.
Area Surveys
Sometimes it is necessary to determine the area of a building whether it be for working out an area value of dividing a property up into multiple occupancy where a certain area demise is desired.
MobileCAD have staff trained in the latest area measurement standards that can help whether it be for small residential properties or large commercial premises.